
Monday, March 25, 2013

What's in a Name?

Necklace: Gift from Grandmother
Bracelets: Belk Outlet
Red Leather Belt: Wall's Outlet
Blazer: Thrifted
Top: The Limited (old)
Skirt: Thrifted
Heels: Thrifted

I decided to try this skirt and top together simply because their tags both say The Limited.  It worked. :o)  My logic is that they have the same colors, just bold versions on the skirt and pale versions on the top.  I did not originally plan to wear the blazer, but icy cold wind drove me to it!  I ended up loving it...made the outfit feel quite Snazzy! :o)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wee Folk

My Little Leprechauns...I kissed the bigger one.  It's GOTTA be good luck to kiss a Leprechaun, Right?

Green Czech Glass Beads: DIY
Emerald and Diamond Necklace: Gift from Hubby
Blouse: Vintage
Dress: Thrifted
Belt: Refashioned
Green Flats: Colorado

  My goal was to wear as much Green as possible today.  It's so much fun to dress for St. Patrick's Day, and even more so when it lands on a Sunday.  I always think of this dress as a "Fairy Dress", so it was a natural choice for today.  After that, I just started pulling out anything Green to go with it and loved the result.  I received a special compliment from someone I really look up to at church today, I call this outfit a success!

  Hubby wore Green too, but sadly we didn't get a family picture this week.  The bigger Leprechaun tried to get away with wearing a White shirt, 'cause his underwear had Green on 'em.  I told him that just wouldn't work...if others can't see the Green, then they CAN pinch you.  He changed his mind in a hurry. :o)


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Petticoat Junction Episode 2

Mad about Plaid!

Necklace and Earrings: Belk Outlet
Yellow Glass Ring: Earth Trading Co.
Belt: Hubby's Grandfather
Dress: Old
Plaid Pearl Snap: Thrifted
Pumps: Vintage
Petticoat: DIY

I flat out stole this outfit from What I Wore 2Day.  I decided not to wear my boots though, seemed more Dressed Up with pumps.  I wish I could've left another top snap open like she did, but my dress is a wrap style so it wasn't working.

I love it that a lot of Sundays we look ready for a family photo.  Hubby will look to see what I've put on before he picks out his clothes 'cause he knows it makes me happy.  1st Son picks his own clothes and sometimes has his mind made up on something totally different, but today he was looking for long sleeves so I got lucky.  I had Baby's shirt hanging with my dress the night before. :o)


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Petticoat Junction

The Twirl...


  Closeup of the awesome print.

Amethyst Ring and Earrings: Gifts from Hubby
Czech glass beads: DIY
Black Leather Belt: Local Leather Shop
Neon Orange Cowhide Belt: Local Shop
Dress: Vintage
Petticoat: DIY
Snake print tights: ?
Purple Suede Wedges: Dillards (Clearance)

By the time I finished twirling, I was getting dizzy. :o)  I did much swishing in this dress today...full circle skirts have that effect.  I added more volume to my petticoat since the last time I wore it Here.  I'm planning on making another so I can layer 'em up when I want even more volume.  A lady at church said back in the day she used to wear up to 5 petticoats!

I double belted again (Last Time).  A friend at church commented that I was wearing a cute belt.  I said Thanks, but it's two belts.  She replied, "Of course it is." :o)

I have another circle skirt in the works...hopefully I'll be wearing it soon!