

I am JJ...I love to Dress Up! But I bet you guessed that. :o) I am married to the Perfect Husband. Really he IS perfect for ME...most men I know will laugh or raise their eyebrow at my Hubby tells me I look Hot! :o)

We have two sweet, fun boys. I think they're the cutest things in the whole wide world, but I might be a teeny tiny bit biased.

I started blogging to show off (and hopefully inspire) what I wear to church. I was getting frustrated over how many people dress up for so many occasions, but dress down for church! My thought is that maybe if I keep dressing up, then others will want to join me. :o) I also like to dress up for no reason , so "casual" posts make an appearance here too.

I get so excited over comments...they let me know that I'm not just talking to myself here on the WWW! :o)

PS: I use Smiley Faces a LOT. :o)


Comments Welcome :o)