
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Follow my blog with Bloglovin

So I ran into a brick wall with my reader today.  It would NOT pull up any of the blogs I follow!  I have had this happen before, but a quick refresh usually pulls them up.  Not this time!  So here I go trying out Bloglovin!  I hope I like it. :o)

Does anyone have any input on Bloglovin?  Love it?  Like it? Hate it?



  1. I love Bloglovin! I've never had any issues with it whatsoever and I've been using it for well over a year.

  2. The thing I don't like about Bloglovin is that it takes extra steps in order to leave a comment. I think it's like opening the post three times before you reach the actual blog. I'm on there but never check it. I think I have 2 followers!

  3. I like bloglovin--but, there are quirks. Sometimes it does not save your comments to other blogs. I agree with Joni James about all the steps you have to take to leave a comment.

    1. It looks like once I click on a blog post it takes me to the blog, so hopefully (fingers and toes crossed) my comments are not getting lost!

  4. I have it and people use it to follow me. It notifies me when people I follow post, but I don't go to them through it (if that makes sense) because of the bloglovin containment. I click on them through my sidebar of blogs, or their comments. No problem.

    1. It seems like people are able to use Bloglovin in different ways to suit them. So far so good. :o)

  5. I hate it JJ. First I always get errors, second.... well have a look at my blog with bloglovin, you'll see why I am NOT impressed at all. Hope you'll have more luck with it than I.

    1. No JJ that's not what I meant, it's hard to explain, you know I am bad at that, if you type my blogname into the search_box at bloglovin it will show up BUT if you click on *latest post* there are just an amount of eight photos visible all the rest back to the beginning of times are not visible. All post's are there to click on but the corresponding pic is missing, hope that makes any sense at all, duh! I explain things always so badly. Second it takes up to an hour until your newest update is on bloglovin. Third the most important thing for me I am still not able to register I always get that darn......we are sorry try again in a bit.......I already did a post about that. The guys at bloglovin are aware of this problem, guess what, it must be you please try again it may be a temporary glitch, really? after several month still the same glitch? Sorry didn't meant to rant, lol. See my blog is at bloglovin although I never registered the blog nor do I have an account. The whole thing is kinda weird. JJ sorry for writing a book, hope you understand what I am trying to say, please look at those ..latest post... thingy in bloglovin and you'll see what I am talking about.
      Happy Friday sweetie

    2. Don't worry about being long winded, that's just how many words it took to explain. :o) I checked, and your right only the first 8 or so posts have pictures. I guess that could be bothersome if I got behind on my blog reading. :o)

  6. I love Bloglovin. It's all I use so needless to say I follow you that way!

  7. Very informative! I was actually just wondering the very same thing, although not sure this made my mind up any, people seem a little if-y;)

    1. Yes, this is why it took so long (and something drastic) for me to try it out. :o)

  8. I don't really have a problem with it, that's how I stalk you!

    1. It DOES seem to be an efficient means of blog stalking. :o)


Comments Welcome :o)