
Friday, November 1, 2013

The Force is Strong with this Family

Got permission to include Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker...
I made Leia's dress from 2 XL white tshirts, Her mom made her belt with a cereal box and chrome duck tape, I made her buns with brown fabric attached to a headband.  For Luke all I had to do was cut an XL youth tshirt down the middle then angle around the neck, he's wearing a leather belt, grey pants, and black rubber boots.  I wish you could see the action shots him mom took of him!

She-3PO (Me):
Gold spray in my hair: Walmart
Gold Mineral Powder made into a cream with water on my face
Black Eyeliner crayon on my face: Ulta
Gold Hoops: Gift from Hubby
Gold Sweater and Jeans: Khol's (super clearance)
Gold Wedges: Dillards (clearance, old)

Ewok (Opie):
Hood: Self made
Furry Gloves and Socks: DIY
Sling Shot: Made by Hubby
Spear: Made by me
Horn: In-Laws brought back from Israel

Shirt and Pants: From his drawer :o)

R2D2 (Baby):
Hat and Shirt: Painted by me

Wookie (Hubby):
Brown Shirt, Pants, and Boots: His closet
Duck Tape Bandolier: Brown and Chrome Duck tape stuck right to his shirt :o)
Crossbow: Borrowed from Opie

I had so much fun putting our costumes together.  Opie's Ewok costume was a change in plans.  Originally he was going to be Darth Vader, but after a boy at church asked the Children's Church Director if he could be a scary looking bad guy she asked the kids to please pick "good guys".  She later told me that Darth Vader wasn't scary and she thought it was fine if we still went with that, but I'm one of the teachers and thought we should follow the rules.  So Ewok it was and we were both happy with how it turned out. :o)

I also helped my friend with her daughter's Princess Leia costume and Luke Skywalker costume.  I forgot to get permission to post them on here, so maybe later I'll ask if I can add them.  Her littlest was going to be Yoda until he saw a picture of the costume and said, "No way!" :o)

I decided I was the Halloween Elf this year.  I put together our costumes, helped with my friend's two costumes, helped my Mom with her shirt for her costume, and helped my Mother-in-Law with her hair and added some lettering to her apron.

Guess what!  It took THREE tries to get all that gold makeup scrubbed off my face!!!


Linking up with Share In Style: Orange/Halloween


  1. I love, love the bigger photos so much.
    That gold top is fabulous and your whole family is wonderful and so much fun.

    1. Thanks. :o) I'm thinking of wearing it on Thanksgiving.

  2. OMG! Too cute! You did a fabulous job on the costumes!

  3. This is fantastic! I'm a big fan of Star Wars and of family/group costumes. My brother's family did a Star Wars theme a couple years back as Obi-Wan and Leia, with a 6yo Luke and an infant R2D2. Your little ewok is the cutest!

    1. So nice to hear you say so, I had to murder a teddy bear to make it happen. The baby kept saying, "Bear?" I waited until he wasn't in the room to cut into it, didn't want him to cry or get any ideas. :o)

  4. Hey, gracias por compartir y por estas fotografías tan bonitas. Un gran abrazo desde

    1. Gracias Juan, mi gusta Share-in-Style! Vemos la proxima vez. :o)

  5. Halloween Elf indeed! The costumes turned out great, and I wouldn't have minded you posting them:)

  6. Lovely family !!! I bet that was fun....

  7. sorry JJ for being late. Still under pressure, though. You must have had the time of your life, you all look so happy.

    1. "Late" must be going around...I'm just now reading this a week later! Thanks for taking time to comment. :o)


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